A French-language series inspired by the incredible true story of the de Védrine family…

This series is based on the true story of the French aristocratic family, the de Védrines, who at the turn of the last century, brought about the ruin of their own noble house. They forfeited their treasures, their sanity and their souls to a modern-day Rasputin. A conman who first convinced them they were targets of a bizarre Freemason plot, from which only he could protect them, then that they were the answer to saving the world from planetary peril, and then to effectively handover the keys to their kingdom and submit fully to his designs. After a decade of manipulation, captivity, torture, exile, delusion, and humiliation, they finally escaped the grips of his depraved and dark scheme. But has the truth been fully uncovered? Beyond the reported facts, what really occurred to the three generations of de Védrines will probably live and die between them… but the revelation of their story begs the question—just how complicit was each in facilitating the outrageous orchestration of events that led them deeper and deeper into such a depraved ordeal?